robot girl in your brains and ears and eyes everywhere all the time




december 31

its the end of 2022!! (a very robot new years)

hi guys, its new years eve!!! We all made it and what an interesting year it has been. I am giving you a big blog today as i feel its necessary for the holiday encroaching upon us. first.... the usual stuff,

Recently I read life for sale by yukio mishima . what a good book! i seriously cannot stress this recommendation enough. The brief synopsis is: a suicidal man puts his life for sale in the newspaper, hijinks ensue. thats all i will say, but i hope this intrigues you enough to pick up a copy (or borrow mine!) i love the writing style, and supposedly the author was a very eccentric man. i wont doubt that as in the beginning , they introduce the author and tells that he died by ritual suicide. im excited to read his other works once i get my hands on them. At that same trip i picked up life for sale, i bought the fleabag scriptures. truth be told, i have not opened the book. im afraid to. my absolute favourite show ever in book form. im really excited to annotate it, maybe next year though. i also picked up a painting of lady of sorrows, the saint of people named dolores. im not named dolores but maybe i should be. the painting has been sleeping next to me for the past couple of days because i havent been able to hang it and i think its the most awfully pretentious thing ive done. its nice though, i think i finally understand the appeal of couples sleeping in the same bed. she keeps me company. i bought a lot of clothes this week, too much i think, but yay for overconsumption. its slightly redeemed by the fact ive been slowly getting rid of a lot of my clothes that i dont wear anymore, which is a majority of my closet. im going to start watching the walking dead soon. rick grimes is my princess and i need daryl carnally. i dont know. today i took a bunch of citizenship tests just in case. it seems the only countries i could get into are here, america, or germany. not many options unfortantely. Currently watching 200 cigarettes right now. Cute little cult film from 1999 starring an actual absurd amount of celebrities. Dave chapelle, ben affleck, paul rudd, christina ricci, kate hudson, courtney love, elvis costello, nicole ari parker?? like literally what are all these people doing in this movie. Its really good soo cute. I see some people say it has bad acting, honestly its not bad. its literally just such a cute movie and the outfits.. wow. cute as freak!!!! the soundtrack is also really good. I suggest you all to watch it. warning for weird transphobic joke at the end but what can u expect from dave chapelle lol.

so if you know me, and if youre reading this then you do. you will know i use my notes app an egregious amount. i am chronically notes app. so ive decided to compile my best notes of each month.


i dont take meds when i have cramps becouse i believe pain is part of the human experience and one of the most row emotions/states a human can be (in) and the pain unifies everyone so i feel very connected to the earth when i have stomach clenching sweat inducing cramps. its part of our job on earth to feel pain or else we would simply not .the pain reminds me of my mortality and i kind of love that i truly believe we cannot be happy if we dont experience bad things ever . we feel pain becouse we love deeply


wordle game but its your first name. i dont wven know. fuckk it. Evil wordle


been thinking about male friendships recently. ive been overhearing a lot of their conversations/interactions and ive come to the conclusion that a lot of them do notbelieve in the hate they spew. they show love to each other through small actions that build up over time rather than expressing the admiration verbally, and i think all of them want to seem cool, which is why i think a lot of them say such horrible things. this is not to give them sympathy, or to say that they are secretly good people, which i do not believe. i dont doubt that there are some awful people at our age (i know of a few personally) but a lot of them just repeat what their friends say, who repeat what their friends say and so on, and that turns into them genuinely believing the stuff they say. they all want to seem cool methinks. but it is sad to see still. i recently began thinking about this after witnessing during gym that one everytime one guy would score a goal,hed run over to his friends and they high-fived him. everytime, without fail. it was very sweet, but i then r


lets discuss the real pandemic of male guitarists




ryan ross is the modern day kafka


lets go! *runs off cutely*


none of my inner monologues pass the bechdel test


I am a well behaved citizen and can be trusted with a gun I am a well behaved citizen and can be trusted with a gun I am a w


Daymen Holland


My left leg.... Just split in half ..I came to a dissociative state in late 2019 and have just woken up............ Many people ask me. Who are you? And I do not quite know the answer... I need ketamine


im soooooo drunk @thisisryanross ryyyyyaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn

i hope you guys enjoyed those.. i tried my best to pick the bestest ones.. i am a genius. Many people say you are like Camus if he were a cute teen girl and not insufferable but also sooo annoying but in a niche silliful way and yeah probably true.

we all know resolutions are one of the most important parts of this time of year.. My resolution this year is to HURT and KILL. Just joshing! i hope next year im able to write wayyy more than i did this year! and maybe to ascend to the seventh plane. What are your resolutions? Let me know... im curious..


december 5

cultural pendulum.. Dilemma between the whore and virgin

Sex positive feminism. Not inherently bad, OBVIOUSLY. Women should be allowed to have sexual freedom in the way men are able to (I do have views on how men's sexuality is not able to be properly explored as women's are not, but we will put a pin in that for now.) In the standard societal view, women are objects and things (not people) to be won over or conquered. An orifice existing only for man. So naturally, people will want to go, Hey, this is super unjust, I am not just for men's pleasure, What about MY pleasure?? However, humans are complex. Ideas in practice are much harder to pull off in comparison to in someone's head or written on paper. We saw the rise of sex-positive feminism all throughout the 2010s. It pervades today, yet I believe it is coming to a slow, screeching halt. And the way I see this is the reimplementation of shame. It's less of a reimplementation , as shame culture has always existed and will always exist probably until well after I die, but the natural cultural pendulum swing.

Fear of sex is a fundamental part of women's sexual liberation. Temptation, to men, is their only fear. They are scared of a woman's body. I am not calling straight men (/men in power) gay. If you see that sentence and think that, I am going to hunt you down. We see at the forefront of feminist promiscuity rappers and models who have long since become cultural icons who will be remembered time forever onwards.

Megan thee stalion, no doubt, is the arbiter of sexual beauty. Despite countless people bashing her for her masculine (black) features, she is the feminine incarnate. No opinion can stop her from being so unapologetically herself. Despite her songs, in 2020, she got on Hot 97 and denounced all the I dont have THAT many sexual partners. This hypocritical existence of promiscuously chaste is something we see all the time. These hypersexual artists, especially the black women, are rejecting sexual oppression norms which is wonderful and great and awesome to see, but when you properly examine the way these women have to carefully portray themselves as, its not liberation at all. On the outside, their persona as a liberated women, free to fuck whoever they want whenever, is harbouring some pretty traditional, old-fashioned, and hypocritical views underneath. The transition from slut shaming to purposeful sexualization in the 2000s was extremely jarring.

Everything requires nuance, despite what the TikTok would say. (This text didn't need any discussion of Tiktok but every piece of work i produce includes a bashing of tiktok so I just needed to add this) Sexual liberation of women is still a response to men. Still pleasing for men. These artists are carefully toting the line between being the ultimate sex object for men to conquer while still believing in and spouting their ideologies.

Excerpt from Casualities of the sex war by Karen Durbin, 1972:

The fact remains: men are a necessity to heterosexual women. One sees, however, some peculiar accommodations to that heterosexuality now, primarily the stillborn attempts by women to forge these new, freer relationships with men. The old nightmarish dependence begins to go out the window, as one divests oneself of the idea of marriage-happily-ever-after. But what is taking its place? Partly, it seems, a game of imitate-the-oppressor. Women talk about the freedom to treat men as sex objects, rumors circulate that the magazine Ms. will have a male fold-out (not true; however, Cosmopolitan, a magazine which excels at turning the concept of female freedom on its heading bizarre ways, is putting this piece of nonsense on the market in April).

Now, should we really expect women who enjoy her music to think so politically when Megan's song turns on at the club? NO! It's ok to feel good when listening to these songs. That's why they are there! They do not serve the empowerment of women politically, but socially, they absolutely do.

I see a lot of people struggle to separate interpersonal connections and political discussion. Bitch used as an endearing term is cool. Societally, however, it is a label given exclusively to women, or sometimes men who act like women. I am exhausted of its usage by male friends, peers, and strangers alike. It is a reminder I will always be an other. I do not want to get into that whole julia fox fiasco where that person tried to say that white women think bitch is the n word because i am so tired of thinking about it. Anyway! What I am trying to get at with this point is that we cannot expect humans to be perfectly nuanced without being hypocritical.

Ironically, I saw a comment on Reddit (and I am so sorry for using a redditor as evidence to a feminist piece of work) that read, conservative men want women to be private property. Liberal men want women to be public property. and. yeah. I see many men who claim the feminist label and use that as an excuse to insult on the puritanical, prissy, and prude nature of republican women. I see men insult women for not wanting to be choke slammed during sex. I see this in leftist men continuing to watch pornhub despite literal child porn being on there.

I may lose some people here, and I understand why someone would disagree, But i think that, largely, the sex-positivity movement was created by men wanting easier access into women's pants. This thought is very simplified. The rise of dating apps and only fans has made it *that* much easier for men to hook up with or gawk over women.

I believe the (women) pioneers of sex positivity's message has been coopted by broader culture. Changing from women should be allowed to sleep with whoever in a safe environment with no shame, and with respect from their partner(s) to sleep with lots of men all the time! and that is because men got a hold of it.

Leftist spaces have a serious problem with labeling sex as empowering and liberation. Often, hookup culture leaves women feeling worse off. I am not denying that some women can benefit from this, but its clear a majority of women do not. Those women are convinced, largely by men, to confuse sex with intimacy. This so called feminist expression of sexuality is yet another male fantasy women have been deluded into thinking, and it is not their fault!

We saw a major shift from the worst insult for women being escort to prude and I think we will see that shift again in the coming months and years.

Excerpt from The Robber Bride by Margret Atwood, 1998

Male fantasies, male fantasies, is everything run by male fantasies? Up on a pedestal or down on your knees, it's all a male fantasy: that you're strong enough to take what they dish out, or else too weak to do anything about it. Even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you're unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.

Now, in 2022, we are in a weird place. We've long moved past girlbossery and a small (TINYYYY) dip in sex-positive feminism. We are calling out pinkwashing and whatnot, what comes next? People are slowly starting to realize that sex-positivity based feminism only really works on paper or to people who have read a lot about it. Its meaning has been so misconstrued over the years that its a bastardization of its former self. It's been flanderized.

    Ok, now that I have stolen my opinion from infinitely better writers than I'll ever be, I leave you with some good essays/articles.
  • The Case Against the Sexual Revolution by Lousie Perry
  • I Regret Being A Slut by Bridget Phetasy
  • Love as the Practice of Freedom by Bell Hooks
  • Casualities of the Sex War by Karen Durbin
  • Why Sex-Positive Feminism is Falling Out of Fashion by Michelle Goldberg

I'm sorry if you were expecting a light read , but I had a lot of thoughts on the matter and had to get it out.