robot girl in your brains and ears and eyes everywhere all the time




february 14

Dont worry ! God will win

Good morning valentiners! it is the day of love. It is cloudy and cold. I am cloudy and cold and full of HAPPY ENERGY! This is my third favourite holiday after Halloween and My Birthday (Coming up soon!)

If a girl cheats, who cares? And when a man does it hes a slut and should probably be sent to death via rat cage on stomach (Ryan ross included in a cutesy romantic sense) Actually lets talk about it. I dont care he cheated. Bc heres the thing, she was THIRTY dating a NINETEEN YEAR OLD that is just strange and downright unusual. Who does that? Creepy. Also hes my boyfriend . I dont know. The fact Ryan only has dated blondes is the funniest and saddest thing ive ever heard. Men truly have one type of woman theyre attracted to and its their first girlfriend. Im going to cry. When women talk about their types they describe non physical categories like kindness, rich, FUNNY (probably the most important), well read, intelligent, and things alike but men r like Mmahhhh!!!! Blonde hairr pretty girl!!!! KILL YOURSELF and anyways.

Ive been looking at colleges recentyl. I hate that i have to start doing that. Eurgh. Im not sure what one i want to do yet. What do u guys want to do? Comment below!!!

enough about boring colleges.. back to love! I have a boyfriend in my mind who may be my boyfriend irl soon.. and its not daymen holland. Sorry guys. too ill to write about that it makes me sick to think about. No thank you!

I am a sweet girl who has never ever been mean ever. I am the most positive person in the world ever. I am a lover, NOT hater.

Okay guys. As you all know, I am starting an advice segment. I dont know how often im going to do this because i dont know how much help u people need. Whatevr. I got some questions sent in so ! Advice time..

how to survive grade 8

You wont and you will not be free until grade 10 where you get over yourself and experience ego death. Try shrooms?

how to become like ice spice

Baddies NEVER copy others. Do u think people try to look like beyonce? no, because nobody is better than the original. Me and Ice spice would both say to be yourself! That is the true way to capture her essence, be confident TOTALLY!!!!! never doubt urself bc ur beautiful and gorgeous just like the peoples princess! Munches will always try to tear u down.. Dont let them get to you.. ICE SPICE FOREVER!!!!!

how to get over a fuck ass bitch man whore who keeps playing u

Consider this: is he thinking this about you? No! If he doesnt make the effort to message u and worship u like the beauitful woman you are then he does not care about you. Guys are really simpleminded and do not tend to overthink like girls do. Take the signs that he doesnt care at face value and stop thinking about him. Hes ugly anyway i bet. Listen to: Get Gone by Fiona Apple and leave his ass ALONE!


Valentines day, as previously said, is one of my favourite holidays, despite the fact I have spent the last two alone and by myself. How do i do it without being sad? I watch my favourite shows! I listen to music! I but myself candy! Your best lover is urself, u are the only person who fully understands you and you should cherish that!! Do things that make you happy. Hang out with your friends who also dont have plans! Go on a walk. Whatever you want to do, you should do! Buy clothes you dont have the money for and text all your friends what you love about them. Valentines can be lonely without a significant other but remind there are more loves than romantic.. And its okay to feel sad on these holidays its totally normal. You dont have to do anything when you are super majorly depressed on a holiday but take this day to be kind to yourself. And if youre truly embarrassed you dont have a date, use the excuse ur being super punk because its a capitalist scam to get people to spend money. Its annoying and no one will like you but its an idea

how do i overcome this slump of unproductiveness that ive been feeling because i have ZERO motivation

I think a lot of people are feeling this right now……. We are in a transition from the easy work of the beginning of the year into the normal, harder stuff. Especially now that you are in a higher grade, you may feel like everythings getting too hard! I cant speak for you, but i know that i was never really taught how to study or self-pace my work so now that im older its hard for me to do those things. Not your fault, seriously, but it is your responsibility to teach yourself this stuff so next year and years after that you wont be literally failing. When Im feeling unproductive, i sit at my desk. I dont force myself to work, i know I wont, but as long as im out of my bed its better than nothing. i know if i do lay in my bed i rarely get out of it. Not sure how much/if you are behind in school but i would just try to finish one classes work and worry about the others after that. I find that after i start the work, its harder for me to stop. you just have to push through that initial blockade of dread. it sucks and its hard but thats really the only way that work is going to get done. Ask friends who you know are better at whatever subject you are doing for help or just to hangout with you while you get it done.

Any tips to beat toxic masculinity??

Consume a lot of women content. Read a lot. Read Bell Hooks. Listen to Fiona Apple. Unfortunately mens social conditioning is sooo ingrained it can be hard for them to even realize its there. You cant really beat it, as long as you are a man theres always going to be a part of you that is evil and insidious but you can definitely combat it and always been working towards bettering yourself. Talk to your friends about your feelings, especially your male friends so they can then be more comfortable with sharing theirs. And call them out on sexist things too! But honestly the best way to do this is just to talk to women. Like seriously. Obviously dont just talk to women to heal ur own problems that is weird but just listen to them. Listen to boys dont cry by the cure! Know that being emotional and vulnerable arent weaknesses. Its hard to hear ughhh just dont (blank) but seriously just dont feel like you need to be the most masculine man. because literally no man in highschool will ever be that way and being too anxious about that and also repressing those negative emotions will only make you worse as you grow. Highschools a time to explore yourself so do that! you are so young in your life nothing really matters right now so who cares if you embarrass yourself in the mean time? recognizing internalized social programming is the first step so ur already better than a lot of guys! do not be discourged king

Alright so there's this guy I know and hes totallllly hot but he kind of gives me red flags? Not only does he smoke at the ripe age of 16, he hates all the shows and movies I like. What do I do??

Okay so hes ugly and annoying girl. Beat him up (physically or mentally, your choice) Smoking is cringe but unfortunately some men r just sooo cute when they smoke. My little princesses. I get it. But if he doesnt share your intrests whats the point? And Im so serious when I say if a man hated texas chainsaw massacre i wouldnt continue to talk to him. Your choice but ultimately i do not think it will work out. There are people who share your interests you will find them. good luck and im sorry if u end up with this guy

Okay . Advice segment OVER all who submitted u are going to heaven and those who didnt are going to hell and dying a horrible death repeatedly till the end of time.

i hope u all enjoyed my robot girl special valentines day post. i wont lie and say im going to write more because i know and you know i wont. i will write when i want and you guys can all be greatful. Okay happy valentines day to those who arent boring and celebrate it. to anti valentiners please die. i love u all