robot girl in your brains and ears and eyes everywhere all the time




october 24

freak redditor

To my fans and followers,

I sincerely apologize. I have said I will post this new blog everyday for about a week now. I have not. The truth is, my draft for the last one (entilted I think I understand drain gang (And I have a boyfriend) )was not up to my standards for publishing. Because of this, I am rewriting it. Here is an exclusive excerpt from the unreleased piece.

One of the part of the title is a lie. I will let you choose which one you want to believe.

I think is truly one of the best phrases humans have created. Because yeah, i do think. To think is to be human or something, whatever that guy said!

I am ashamed of how bad the rest of it is.


Robot Woman who kills people.

Last night I watched Pearl. It was good. I think Mia Goth is an extremely talented actor. I, unfortunately, cannot rave about it too much as it seems annoying people on tiktok like it. You may be thinking,why are you letting annoying people enjoying the movie stop YOU from liking it? and the truth is, i am just as, if not more, annoying than those people. I am a hater to my very core and proud.

The title should not be shocking to you all. Everyone here is VERY aware of the situation. That little freak needs to be put in a hole in the ground or very aggressively be kicked by a horse. Maybe both. Weirdo. Seriously, who comments on porn, let alone on your public account that has your name and occupation attached to it? I would say that teachers are allowed to have their own identity outside of school, and i truly do not care what they do outside of the building,,, but come on! You are a weirdo! He talked about high value men, does he believe he is one of those? He is 33, balding, braces-wearing, and complained his wife got lip injections to a bunch of disinterested 15 year olds. So much for high value. He is not fertile or pure. I feel bad for his wife. He is watching porn and commenting Hottt on a random womens selfie on the r/braces subreddit. What a loser.

Today I was thinking about the last name Fitzgibbon. It makes me laugh. I was on the wikipedia for it and came across an ontario artist named Agnes Dunbar Moodie Fitzgibbon. She made very pretty flower portraits.

My favourite words at the moment are malevolent and firmament. I like vitriol too. If I swore, which i dont, I would like many of those words as well.

want to be added to this list? Dm me 3 reasons why I should and I will consider it.

To you, the reader, I pose this question. What is your favourite dog? You can type in the chat box (there is a small little message icon in the corner of the screen) or if you hate me , I guess you can message me too. But I will find you annoying and probably think violent thoughts about you.

Movie recomendationS of the week

Crystal Eyes (2017) is an Argentinian giallo inspired horror that is a completely accurate homage to the 80s. The acting is abhorrent, the audio mixing is terrible, the outfits are obnoxious. The colouring of this movie is so pretty and the villian.. They are the embodiment of camp. I think its 1h 22m, so a very easy watch!

We're All Going to the World's Fair (2021) is the second recommendation. Very rare. I watched this in 2020 and I think i caused something to go wrong in the brain. It was really good. Watch it. It is 1h 26m ! Such a short movie. Alex G is in the soundtrack. I do not listen to alex g but if you do, more of a reason to watch it! Very well made. A teency little cameo from Jeff the Killer as well. I am lying.


october 13

trying 2 let u know how much u mean

It is nighttime. Been thinking a lot. I think the reason why people are stupid is because of dehydration and electrolyte deficiency. I love bagels again. I have a presentation due tomorrow on capitalism. As a teenage girl , I am outraged. Don't even want to be thinking about that right now seriously. i like to normalize odd behaviours in girls so I am being Amanda from saw 1 for halloween. I have been working on my reverse bear trap mask for about a week now and i am sick and tired of it. When i went to work on it today, it was all deformed from the paper mache!!!!!!! seriously what a scam. I had to tape it to an empty paint can- that took about 20 minutes. i think it is fixed now though, so i am not stressed about it. I have lots of time to complete it. Speaking of movies, I watched maybe the worst movie ever made. It is called Ballet of Blood. Shaky cams and Women who dont wear pants. Seriously, i think only one girl in this movie wears pants for one scene. Suggestive close up shots of the women. Implied bisexuality. Some girl writes a YA novel about the girl who shot up their ballet studio with a type writer(it is 2016.) The movie opens with one of the dancers being shot in the chest, and later is seen with an arm sling and a bandage on her shoulder. I could act better than this- and i have! Genuinely what the fuck is this movie. So many plot holes. Scenes that mean nothing. Theres a girl in the mental hospital and she got injected with an anesthesia shot in the ass but it didnt even knock her out so i dont know what it actually was. Maybe ketamine. I feel like this movie was made by a group of people minutes away from a heroin overdose. Weirdly enough, some of the shots are cool!. This is sort of like if a man watched suspiria 1977 and was tasked to recreate it. The dance teacher sort of looks like lana del ray (i do not know what she looks like) Why did it keep flash backing to that awful lingerie party. Why was this narrated by a child? Actually disturbed by the fact that i find some of the shots cool. I guess the take away from this is that I should not watch movies that are recommended under Evil Bong 420 (2015) on my movie pirate site. Listening to L'amour looks something like you by Kate Bush. It immediately transitioned to Paper Bag by Fiona Apple. the historical event that i relate to the most is the meteor that killed the dinosaurs bcos it wasnt the initial impact that killed me off but rather the atmospheric conditions after that. Im getting my expander put on on Saturday. I am excited at the prospect of being part metal. Cyborgs are very cool. People need to understand that I am a very cool girl and will soon basically be a robot. Bereal and Snapchat are the modern example of how we live in a surveillance state. I understand that I am iphone addicted, but those two apps are so much more worse. They make me afraid. I think I need to reread 1984 george orwell. Orwellian is my favourite word right now. Tonight on the movie line up we have Crystal Eyes and Frankenhooker. Extremely excited for both. Especially Frankenhooker, i assume it is like reanimator for girls. I am a girl who loves reanimator so basically this movie is for me. It will be really bad. Excited!

he said its all in your head and i said sos everything but he didnt get it. i thought he was a man but he was just a little boy.

btw if you have a crush on a boy and you relate your experience liking him to a fiona apple song. GET OUT OF THERE!!! worst mistake of my life im serious. I know best because I love studying teen boys and I know none of them are worth speaking to beyond exchanged pleasantries about homework or what block is next. If theyre lucky, theyll even get to hear about a young womans niche interests she spent years cultivating to perfectly represent her. I love my male friends, but trust me when I say that none of them will understand where I come from or how my brain works. And that is not to say my non-man friends do, they dont as well, but it is a lot easier for them to get it than boys. Simply because boys, at least at this age, do not think at all.. Nothing in their small brains.....Boys are very interesting.

my absolute least favourite artist on this planet is TV girl. Fuck those guys. they are annoying and pseudo-misongynistic (i do not know if they are, but they give the vibes)

I have no movie recomendation. I have no ins or outs. Stop developing a parasocial relationship with my blog. i hate bisexuals.



october 9

On The Bound

my favourite things right now are ellipses and the word theology. Today I added more songs to my fall playlist. I think the reason annoying people think fall is the best season is because as soon as the leaves start to fall, the world starts to look like a twilight movie(obnoxiously blue-green filter and beautiful white men who should be in jail). Last night I watched the new hellraiser movie. It was ok. It was missing the sexuality the first one invokes (the whole reason the first movie is as iconic as it is.) I have not seen any other hellraiser movie other than the first one and this newest one. I also watched an american werewolf in london, it was just alright. Supposedly it is going to rain next week, I am very excited. I love the rain. Rain is a very human weather. From what people know about my personal sensory issues, they may falsely assume that the feeling of wet clothes would make me want to peel off my skin, and they would be right about half the time. When its rain water, i find it really enjoyable as I can pretend I am in the notebook. (i have never seen the movie) Currently i am looking for garage sales with my dad and aunt. I seen someone describe Hoziers music as somewhat pagan, somewhat agnostic, and undeniably catholic and i thought that represented me well. I need to watch 2 movies today to keep up with my 1 horror movie a day challenge I have not been upkeeping. I am a little behind but its ok. I think I will watch lost boys and the thing. I am trying to watch ones I havent seen before, but I havent watched those in a long while so it basically counts. I am planning to try and watch midsommar, but it is so boring. I might need to watch it with someone else because I dont think Ill be able to watch it otherwise. I am slowly building up to audition, the only horror movie Ive ever had to shut off because of how nauseous i felt. I will watch scream again soon as well.

My October playlist:

    Daily proverbs:

  • Start biting things. And whisper to yourself. Open your eyes a little too wide when talking to someone. Collect leafs and dead flowers.
  • Stop vaping. Its not normal behaviour.
  • Listen to bad music and wear ugly clothes and be ugly.

  • Here is a list of things that are in and out.

  • julia fox (always and forever)
  • the stranger by albert camus
  • Evil dead 2
  • women with vocal fry
  • #2B1944 (colour)
  • long hair
    • OUT:
  • TIKTOK!!!!!!!

  • Movie recommendation of the week

    Not even joking when I say this, Slumber Party Massacre 2 is the best movie you will ever watch. I recommend making a day out of this, and watch the first one and this one back to back. If you like bad slashers, and i mean HORRIBLE slashers, this is the movie for you. But make sure to watch the first one before it, the second will be a lot more enjoyable (and confusing).


    october 3

    firs blog

    test ^__^
